Mar. 1 — 3, 2017 – Hele dag
The Advanced Fuels Summit, the Renewable Chemicals Summit, the Aviation Biofuels Summit, the Gas Conversion & Markets Summit and ABLC Feedstocks. Plus, the Financing & Investing Workshop, the Energy Security Forum and the annual 50 Hottest Companies Reception and State of the Industry…
Mar. 27 — 29, 2017 – Hele dag
WBM returns to facilitate growth and commercialisation across the global bio-economy for the 12th successive year. Over 500 senior-level decision makers from the entire bio-based value chain descend on Amsterdam in search of the partnerships, biotech breakthroughs, investment opportunities and…
Apr. 5 — 6, 2017 – Hele dag
Since 2005 the Association of Cereal Research organized in cooperation with the Max Rubner-Institute – Institute of Safety and Quality of Cereals, Detmold and the Institute of Food Technology, Department of Fermentation Technology, Hohenheim – the Bioethanol Technology Meeting. The event is…
Apr. 10 — 12, 2017 – Hele dag
Organized by BBI International and produced by Biomass Magazine, this event brings current and future producers of bioenergy and biobased products together with waste generators, energy crop growers, municipal leaders, utility executives, technology providers, equipment manufacturers, project…
Apr. 25 — 27, 2017 – Hele dag
To speed up the development process, all operators in the value chain need to deal with environmental issues, industrial and investment challenges by: Bringing companies together to move towards an integrated plant based chemicals supply chain Achieving technology scale up Exploring business…
Apr. 25 — Feb. 26, 2017 – Hele dag
Connect with the bioprocessing community on the East Coast and West Coast in 2017. Join industry leaders, associations, publications and suppliers that all share the same goals of propelling the bioprocessing industry towards new heights of clinical and commercial success across all phases of…
May. 1 — 4, 2017 – Hele dag
Reflecting this, the number of scientific journals covering renewable fuels and chemicals has expanded significantly over the past decade, investment in basic research and development continues and large scale bio-based technologies are coming online.
May. 31 — Jun. 1, 2017 – Hele dag
What is Bio-Based Live Europe? Bio-Based Live aims to take bio-based innovations from lab to market through best practice sharing and making bio-based products a key part of sustainable strategy. Focuses on 2 key themes: Process Innovation & Technology and Sustainable Products. 50+ expert…
Jun. 19 — 21, 2017 – Hele dag
The FEW is the largest, longest running ethanol conference in the world—and the only event powered by Ethanol Producer Magazine. From its inception, the mission of the event has remained constant: The FEW delivers timely presentations with a strong focus on commercial-scale ethanol production –…
Jun. 25 — 28, 2017 – Hele dag
When you think of all that needs to be done, that must be done—to provide each and every person on the planet with a safe, nutritious and sustainable food supply—we think as one. Or at least we should. Because the power of many acting as one is game-changing. Let’s change the game. Attend…
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