Mar. 6 — 9, 2016 – Hele dag
We will highlight recent developments and the necessary steps to make the biobased economy a reality. How do we embed the biobased economy in society? How do we create new partnerships to enable new cascaded biobased value chains? These developments will have a huge positive impact on…
Mar. 14 — 17, 2016 – Hele dag
For the 11th successive year WBM unites the leaders of the bio-based economy for a senior executive level gathering. Bringing together core strategic decision makers, WBM hosts those actively pursuing the partnerships that shape the bio-based marketplace. From land to brand, via innovation,…
Apr. 5 — 6, 2016 – Hele dag
This conference aims to provide international major players from the bio-based building blocks, polymers and industrial biotechnology industries with an opportunity to present and discuss their latest developments and strategies. Representatives of political bodies and associations will also have…
Thu, Apr. 7, 2016 – Hele dag
The Bio-based Start-up Day will bring start-ups, investors and industry together by giving the floor to everyone and providing great opportunities of networking. The day will start with a keynote speech followed by presentations of start-ups. Related clusters such as CLIB2021 and IBB Netzwerk…
Thu, Apr. 7, 2016 – Hele dag
Daarnaast wordt de milieuwetgeving strenger. De transitie naar een duurzame industrie is dus noodzakelijk. Welke randvoorwaarden zijn hieraan verbonden en welke economische kansen biedt het? Diverse topsprekers delen hun visie hierover tijdens het congres Biosbased Industry op donderdag 7 april…
Apr. 11 — 14, 2016 – Hele dag
Organized by BBI International and produced by Biomass Magazine, this event brings current and future producers of bioenergy and biobased products together with waste generators, energy crop growers, municipal leaders, utility executives, technology providers, equipment manufacturers, project…
Apr. 12 — 13, 2016 – Hele dag
Target groups of the conference are bioethanol manufacturers and their suppliers, but also representatives of the starch industry, the machinery and equipment manufacturers as well as research and consulting. Main topics of the conference can amongst others raw materials, use of by-products,…
Apr. 17 — 20, 2016 – Hele dag
The BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology is the world’s largest industrial biotechnology event for business leaders, investors, and policy makers in biofuels, biobased products, and renewable chemicals. Please join us from April 17-20, 2016 in sunny San Diego for a week filled with…
Apr. 25 — 28, 2016 – Hele dag
Reflecting this, the number of scientific journals covering renewable fuels and chemicals has expanded significantly over the past decade, investment in basic research and development continues and large scale bio-based technologies are coming online.
May. 30 — Jun. 1, 2016 – Hele dag
Delegates from university, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations and venture capital providers will present their views on industrial biotechnology, sustainable (green) chemistry and agricultural policy related to the use of renewable raw materials for non-food applications and…
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