

    Thu, Mar. 19, 2015 

    We want to provide our guests a unique opportunity to experience the new Bioprocess Pilot Facility in full operation during the Grand Opening. Letting you see our functioning plant will give you a better understanding of the operation and the additional possibilities the Bioprocess Pilot Facility…

  • Tour BPF facilities at Biobased Industry 2015 conference

    Thu, Apr. 9, 2015 

    Op donderdag 9 april 2015 vindt in Delft de 2e editie van jaarcongres Biobased Industry plaats. Diverse topsprekers uit de sector zullen van zich laten horen. In een tafelgesprek praten onder anderen: Stientje van Veldhoven, Lid Tweede Kamer, Willem Sederel, Directeur Biobased Delta, en Hans…

  • Presenting at International Biomass Conference and Expo 2015

    Apr. 20 — 22, 2015 

    The International Biomass Conference & Expo unites current and future producers of biomass-derived power, fuels and chemicals with waste generators, energy crop growers, municipal leaders, utility executives, technology providers, equipment manufacturers, project developers, investors and…

  • Achema / Frankfurt

    Jun. 15 — 19, 2015 

    ACHEMA is the: World forum for chemical engineering and the process industry; Innovations’ platform and technology summit; Trend-setting meeting point; Take-off for investment decisions; International network of experts and executives.

  • EFIB 2015

    Oct. 27 — 29, 2015  – Hele dag

    Meet us at our stand at the EFIB 2015 in Brussels. EFIB 2015 will provide 700+ delegates with over 90 presentations tackling the issues of understanding new business models, accessing combined funding and overcoming hurdles in the development of new value chains from raw materials right through to…

  • FI Europe / Paris

    Dec. 1 — 3, 2015 

    If you want to expand your business in the quickest and most effective way possible, in specific markets or on a global scale, we guarantee you have come to the right place. Whether you want to meet face-to-face with fantastic new suppliers or buyers, promote your latest product to thousands of…

  • CLIB2021 international conference

    Jan. 21 — 22, 2016  – Hele dag

    Biotechnological processes and renewable resources gain importance in several applications and become more and more competitive. Nevertheless, low oil prices put pressure on alternative feedstocks and novel processes. This makes cost-efficiency of processes and access to molecules with unique…

  • Symposium: HAN BioCentre, schakel tussen kennis en praktijk

    Thu, Jan. 28, 2016  – Hele dag

    Al 10 jaar lang vervult het HAN BioCentre een schakelfunctie tussen het bedrijfsleven en het onderwijs door het uitvoeren van praktijkgericht onderzoek voor bedrijven en instellingen met Biodiscovery als overkoepelend thema. Ter gelegenheid van het 10-jarig bestaan, organiseert het HAN BioCentre op…

  • Probiota 2015

    Feb. 2 — 4, 2016  – Hele dag

    NutraIngredients’ Probiota is the leading annual event for the global prebiotic, probiotic and the microbiota focused food and pharma industries. In February 2016 the event will explore the new scientific frontier, its evolution and commercial application in food, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals,…

  • ABLC next

    Feb. 17 — Jan. 19, 2016  – Hele dag

    New fuels, chemicals, and materials are changing our ideas of performance, cost and sustainability.But time is of the essence – for the companies, people, investors, governments and the public. What’s working now, what is deploying, can de deployed, and is coming up fast for deployment? What niches…

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